Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wrentham, Mass: A Typical Day at White Barn Farm!

There is a magical thing that happens at White Barn Farm! It's the sort of thing that happens when a group of fun people are brought together to complete a Farmload of tasks, and although it's supposed to be "WORK", it ends up being more of an Adventure! Everyday at White Barn Farm seemed like fun-hang-out-time rather than get-up-and-going-to-work-time, and a lot of it had to do with the Momma and Poppa of the Farm: Chris and Christy K (soon to be Chris, Christy and Baby K!) Here's a typical day on the farm!

7-7:30 AM.   Wake up ( Maybe 8 or 9 if the night before ends up being a late night)

8-8:30 AM.   Breakfast which could consist of leftover Iggy's Bread, WBF Eggs, Fresh ground coffee, and as seen below- Christy would complement the Iggy's with some Nutella- can I get a What  
Iggy's Bread with Nutella and some Beet Kale juice (not as good as the Nutella) 
 8:00 AM-12:00 PM.  FARM WORK which included anything from picking flowers, harvesting veggies, watering greenhouses, weeding beds, washing veggies, packing CSA shares, organizing various parts of the farm, chasing turkeys, tending chickens, and even throwing rotten peppers at each other. It was all done while exchanging intelligent conversation with each other and included as much diverse music as possible! Below are some pictures of projects and tasks being done:

Left: Dylan, Curt and Chris harvesting Fennel

Right: A truckload of peppers ready to be washed!

 Below: Dan, Curt, John and Chris packing up the Friday CSA boxes. There was probably some grateful dead playing in the background!

 Below: Laurene and Dylan picking flowers. Laurene made the prettiest flower bouquets! 

Above: Curt harvesting some greens
Above: Kim watering the hoop house
12:00-1:00 PM. Time for Lunch! Everyday, Chris and Christy would make lunch for their crew! It really brought everyone together. Lots of laughs and AMAZING food! We would have enchiladas with tomatillo sauce, roasted eggplants, fresh salads, pizzas, Frittatas with fresh eggs, Asian stir fry with peanut sauce just to name a few things. Even when the menu sounded dull, like grilled cheese, it wouldn't JUST be grilled cheese, it would be gourmet grilled cheese with lots of fillings and salad and more! It was always such a treat!
Above: Rolling up an enchilada!
Left: Chris and Christy putting the final touches on the Frittata!

      Below: Christy practicing the wrapping technique for when Baby K comes! Laurene helping                    

1:00-2:00 PM. Setting up the Farm stand. Once everyone was done digesting a hearty lunch, we'd all get BIG RED loaded up with freshly harvested veggies, get the white van loaded up with CSA shares (if it was Tuesday or Friday), pack up the Iggy's bread delivered that morning, and get any other supplies and head across the street (busy 1A highway) to start setting up the farm-stand!

Above: Karen at the stand ready for customers!
Above: Chris and Christy K. Fancy pants on setting up the farm stand and ready to get their pictures taken with the baby belly!

Above: Bobby Fish (well that's what we called him) and Dan the man discussing important Friday insights. It must be 5 O'clock because there's proof the WBF Friday happy hour has commenced!!
***Tuesdays and Fridays were busy days as these days were CSA pick-up days and Jordan Bros. Seafood would come sell fresh seafood as well. Bobby Fish would be there on Fridays and Matt would be there on Tuesdays. It was always nice to have the Jordan Bros. company at the farm stand!***

2:00- 6:00 PM. Keep working the farm stand or do some more odd jobs around the farm until it was time to clean up the farm stand! 

 Above: Chris unloading some compost 

7:30 PM. Dinner with the Farm house residents: Grammy, Chris, Christy, Baby K, Curt and Kim! 

Right: Christy Frying up some scallops we got from Jordan Bros. earlier that day! mmm...

Below:  Grammy Christy and Kim skinning roasted beets while Chris cooks up a yummy chicken dinner!

On some special nights (Three in particular) we would set up the projector screen and watch movies on the side of the barn! Pop some popcorn, crack a beer and enjoy! We watched Jaws, Step into liquid and Field of Dreams.  Hopefully you can see how epic-ly awesome it was by this picture below!!!

And then the magic would continue the next day and the next and the next!
Check out some more pics

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I know it's a lot of work to put these stories and pics together, but keep them coming. I love traveling with you two :~)


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