August 2-9, 2012 Sandy Harbor Drive, Hamlin NY
Growing up, Kim spent 2 weeks every summer from age 3 to 16 going to Lake Ontario to visit family for the annual Terry Family Reunion! 9 years later and the largest turnout (70+) yet, we traveled the 7 hours from Burlington and spent the week EATING tons of food, hanging out on the beach, and visiting with a bunch of family! Kim's auntie Dawn and Uncle Tim really glued it all together!
August 5, 2012 Terry Family Reunion |
There was always a time to hang out on the beach, during the day and at night. It was so peaceful and we got front row seats when the kids went out tubing! Man they took some hard spills!
Late night on the Beach |
As was tradition every year, Kim with-out fail got an intense sunburn. This year it was on her stomach so she had to cover up the rest of the week! Why does she insist she isn't a ginger?
Ready for the Sun (Kim was very burned from previous day) |
Kim's Uncle Tim was always taking people out for boat rides! Tubing, Waterskiing, and just leisure trips.
Uncle Tim the teacher! |
Curt was able to get up on his first attempt! And look at that view??!?!?!?! Sunset on the lake while celebrating a new water-skier!
Curt's first time up on Ski's! |
One of the clans from the reunion including 9 cousins on the Terry side have a competition every year. The competitions have included: best hot-dogs, best chips, etc. We found out the morning of the competition that the theme was infused vodka so we decided to include ourselves because who wouldn't want to be included in an infused vodka competition? Now, we did have to overcome the odds of only infusing it for a few hours rather than a few what ingredients would infuse the fastest? LEMON AND GINGER!!! And thus the final product of Kim and Curt's VT GOLD! 1,000,000 proof! I'm not sure if they were trying to make us feel good because we were late entries, but VT GOLD seemed to be the winner!
VT Gold! Infused Vodka |
Thanks for another amazing year at Sandy Harbor! It was everything Kim had remembered it and everything and more that Curt had anticipated!
Now I'm not one for reading too much. I rather like this entry as it seems to have more photo's. I love this new format, keep it up. Anyway can't help but notice how much Kim has in common with a certain former vice presidential candidate who shall remain nameless. May I request more photo's of Kim in her glasses? Maybe standing next to a podium or a microphone while holding the constitution or the bible or a gun? Just spitballing here but I think you catch my drift.