We arrived in Castle Rock Monday night and now that we're about to leave we can safely say the past 3 days have flown by! Hanging out with Jim, Betsy, Andrew, and Kyle is always a blast (Erin is in Nicaragua but we'll see her in August at the Lake Ontario family reunion). In our short time here we've played lacrosse, basketball, pool, Nintendo Wii... GOLF! We made burgers, filled our growler up with beer, ordered buffalo wings, watched hockey, ate ELK STEAKS, watched more hockey. We even found time to do some house cleaning and plant a bunch of flowers! We also drove 3 new vehicles and even though they weren't rentals we'll just go ahead and call them rental cars #5, 6, and 7.
A Kim and Andrew creation! |
Both Andrew and Kyle are currently attending golf clinics and somehow someone jokingly suggested that we should all go golfing. When Betsy informed us that she had a group coupon for 9 holes of golf (with carts included!) it was settled- we would go golfing! Kyle was already booked doing something else (who knows maybe it was golf clinic) but luckily Andrew had a friend who was also named Kyle so we invited him to stand in. For Kim, this would be her first time playing anything other than miniature golf (which she claimed she was pretty good at). Curt had been a few times but not in several years and he was accustomed to a rule that allowed players once per hole to throw the ball instead of hitting it with a club. Andrew and Kyle had been recently learning about golf but had never stepped foot on a real course. This was going to be fun! We all drove out to the local course in Betsy's Audi (car #5) and split a bucket of balls at the driving range for practice. The driving range had 2 floors which was pretty exciting in itself and a sign of good things to come. For either not knowing much about golf, or having never played, or having not played in a while, everyone did really good! No one made par on any of the holes but we all had some pretty good shots. Curt chipped one in on the very first hole. On one hole Kim made it onto the green in one shot. Andrew hit a few that went so far we couldn't even see where they landed. And Kyle only lost his ball twice and didn't hit a single car! After our awesome round we had some beers and buffalo wings (no beers for the kids but Curt would go on to consume more wings later that day).
Get ready to golf! |
Car #6 was Jim's Chevy Tahoe, which we drove (with a trailer) back to the house from Home Depot. We brought back a work bench table and an assortment of plants that we put in pots on Jim and Betsy's deck. It was a fun project and was the first time we got to get our hands in the dirt since leaving the Bug. Lucky car #7 was a sleek and superfast Audi A7 that Jim had on loan. We took it into town to pick Andrew up from Tae Kwon Do and we can definitely say this is the best car we've driven on this trip if not ever (the Zinger is not a car, it's a van- totally different).
Tomorrow we head back to Grand Junction to pick up our revitalized van. Rental cars no more! It's been fun driving so many different cars but we'll be happy to be back in our home. Once we reunite with the Zinger we're immediately on the road again, heading northwest to Salt Lake City to spend a night with extreme skiing hero Chuck Mumford. Hopefully Franken-Zinger is up for the task! By Saturday night we aim to be even further north, in the great state of Montana where we'll stay with Holly Mumford (Chuck's sister and our good friend) til we have to head back to California for the High Sierra Music Festival. Looks like our unplanned Colorado vacation is about to end and it's back to business as unusual! See some more pictures riiiight